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I got smelly gas..

Rubyred..Hay no problem..:D..I think what haptened was you said the M word you know MODERATORS and that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up..:small3d031: Thanks for Filling me in before I needed a drink. LOL..I do like it here:D..

Hey, we're just a regular group of guys and gals just like the other 42,000+ members here. You make us sound evil!

BTW, if we edit "snow," we'll also have to include "rain, cold, chores," and all the other things that keep us from riding and shouldn't be mentioned!
I live in Forks WA, if we didn't have rain we wouldnt be here. LOL Man I miss the sun!! And now with the threat of possible nuclear fallout from Japan if things get worse, My whole riding season could be off...:newsmile071:

Anyone know the right way for cleaning 750 RADS of radiation off of an 08 Heritage?
Hey, we're just a regular group of guys and gals just like the other 42,000+ members here. You make us sound evil!

BTW, if we edit "snow," we'll also have to include "rain, cold, chores," and all the other things that keep us from riding and shouldn't be mentioned!

Hey SNOW is a four letter word and has been banned here in the South:p Good humor Dr
Well, Its snowing today,I havent rode in 4mts,I do have bad gas, and I very well may need to see a doctor..LOL.:D...

It is rather strange for gasoline to deteriorate with Stabil even after 4 months. The smell is like old varnish...? May be just me, but I would siphon out as much of the fuel as possible and just refill with fresh fuel. Save the old stuff for lawn mower and chain saw duty:D
mat 60; quick question - did you use fresh StaBil when you winterized the bike? I'd say add fuel & run it...
Man what a thread title, my ribs are killing me laughed so hard, seriously, you should be good to go with a top off...or maybe go see the doc...sorry couldn't help myself.:newsmile100::newsmile100::newsmile100:
I also was suprised my gas smelled bad after 4 mts. I did siphon it out....Hay guys and girls..Thanks for having some fun with me and the smelly gas. I may need to see the doc because I laughed so hard tears came out:D...What good people you all are and im glad I could shaire this with you..Thanks Mat..:bigsmiley23:
Matt, this reminded me of last summer, I was having trouble with our leaf blower that I use to blow the grass off the driveway with, it's a Stihl, nothing too fancy but pretty good. I couldn't get it to start, so I took it over while my neighbors were out chatting in the driveway. The may be just a bit more mechanically inclined than I, but they couldn't get it to run either....until one of them said, 'dump the gas out', so Ron dumps the gas in Tom's coffee can that he saves that stuff in and the leaf blower started up and ran for 3 minutes or so. We put fresh gas in it and haven't had a problem since.

My neighbor said that gas will not last like it used to, (and since my husband who may be a bit paranoid) keeps 4 or 5, 5 gallon cans of gas, the gas I was using could have been a bit old. :s Now, we cycle the gas in the cans more frequently.