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I think waving is overrated

I use many different waves...I also dont care what ya riding ill wave....As long as your not a guy in pink shorts and a halter top .
OK enough is enough, I will stop waving and start a new if you see some one pointing at you, it's me.
i wave to everyone on two wheels, even sportbike riders. i dont wave to those goofy looking things with 2 front wheels, just aint right, lol.
what amazes me, is the guys i see who will wave when i am on the harley, and talk to me at the stops. but i pass them or pull up on the sportbike and i am ignored. amazing, and shows you who the true riders are. the guys who are out for the ride, don't care what you are on, hd, metric, sportbike, etc.

You know I see more and more of those things. If they weren't so expensive there would probably be more of them. But I'm with you I don't really like them.

I even wave at poor folks on mopeds. Guess I kinda feel for um. You gotta have guts to ride a moped.
I mix it up... point at every third biker, hand-drop (like RWB) every other wave, stick my tongue out to the funky two wheel up front things, cross myself at the moped'ers, and even a 'foot wave' when I'm trying to shift while dragging the boards around a sharp corner. After all, variety IS the spice of life!
RBW...Them poor folks on mopeds might have more money than we do because thay don't have a Harley..:)
The wave is something that we as bikers have that other groups don't. To me, it lets the other rider know that we're in this together against the cages and that I have his/her back. Yes, it's too much during a big event, but otherwise I will wave every time whether I get one back or not.
I too have found at Major Events the wave is lost, But the friendship you make in walking the streets makes up for the wave IMO:s
OK enough is enough, I will stop waving and start a new if you see some one pointing at you, it's me.

Too late, started that last year.

If you and me are the only two bikes to pass in 10 miles on a nice sunny day and you don't wave back, make sure to look in your mirror for your personal wave.
