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I'am tired of changeing brands of oil !

i use mobil1 20w50 vtwin but i would not be affraid of castrol 20w50 syn vtwin oil we have run castrol straight 30 in our farm tractors for 40 years (gas burners) with no oil issues what so ever. heck only one of our tractors has had the engine rebuilt and it had a ton of hours on it before we got it. now our diesel tractors we run mobil delvac 15w-40 still no stated before pick u out a full syn oil (NOT SYN3)!!!!!!!!!! And go with it your engine will be just fine
To be campletly honest about it, There aint nothin wrong with HD oils and your bike will run just as long as it would with M1Vtwin. I know the old argument about Citgo and Hugo, but think about where all the other oil campanies get there base from? The middle east for the most part? I had an issue with one dealer trying to rip people off, but I may go back to Hd oil just for the ease of getting it from a good dealer and there is no (what if ) about the oil holding up. I have seen many UOA's that show HD360 doing just as good as M1 and Amsoil in wear comparisons along with Valvoline VR1 racing holding up as good too. I know I will be getting flamed to no end for this comment but it is what it is. If you do enough research with an open mind you will begin to see through the scare tactics and hype. Now I gotta get my fire suit on and get ready.
Good post, and all true. With data to back up what you say, no fire suit is required, LOL.
I've been running synthetics since new, but after researching UOA's at BITOG, have decided to go with Valvoline VR1 from now on. $4.99 a qt from any auto parts store, excellent wear metal numbers in the TC engine, and TBN after 5k miles comparable to the boutique synthetics- even after being run at 300 deg for extended periods. I have fuel management and an oil cooler, so heat isn't a major problem for my bike, even on hot days in the South.
HD360 has also been turning in great results, along with Brad Penn dino.
There are a lot of good choices out there- all that's needed is a little research... :s
HD's syn is at the bottom of my preferred oil list. I still have 2qts leftover from when I bought my 05 Sporty (from former owner). Might just take it to the hazardous waste facility so it's not taking up room on my garage shelf.
I know I'm gonna start something here but I'm gonna say it anyways. I know alot of you detest Amsoil because of all they're advertising, sleesball dealers , or whatever, but when you get rite down to it, it's a very good oil. I hate running from store looking for the particular oil that I want or I need 4 quarts and they only have 3 instock. With Amsoil all you have to do is call the 800 # or order it off they're web page and in a day or so it will be sitting on you're front porch. It's been said that availability on the road is an issue, that might be, but in 40 years of riding I've never had a problem, when I'm traveling I always throw an extra quart in my bag just in case. If push comes to shove you can always throw a quart of something else in ust to get you home.
I know I'm gonna start something here but I'm gonna say it anyways.

When it comes to oils, your going to have more opinions than oil brands and weights combined. If there were not any people using ALL of the oils to some degree,, that oil would not be on the market very long. They all are going to work and I doubt any one oil is actually "Bad" for your engine.

In the 3000 plus posts I have made, I have never said what oil I use...
That's because only I think it's any good!:)
I'll throw another one in here.I have been using Mobil 1 for a while,but after trying Belray 15-50 V-twin full synthetic and seeing the results at the next oil change,I will stick with Belray:D

Bel ray is a very good product, we used it in Shovels and Evos for years with no problems, even before Jessie James did adds for them LOL:s
Cycle Gear, many indys including local HD Dealer carries Bel Ray products here in SoCal...