I would ride Mexico :bigsmiley40:. Head down the Pacific coast of Mexico stop in Puerto Vallarta and Acapulco and then head east to the Quintana Roo Region. Stop in some small fishing villages, Punta Allen, Tulum and Akumal. Rent some great little hotel rooms and condos that are beachfront and very secluded and do some beach front diving a snorkeling. Then head up to the Gulf coast hit some of the Mayan ruins along the way and come back though Texas. I have done most of these things, but it would be neat to do it on a bike. This I hope will be a reality some day, this is my dream trip. I am trying to plot a course and get info from others on a safe route to take. I figure by staying close to the coast should be the safest ride. I plan on RVing to Texas and then going from there. May never happen, but a more likely scenario will be renting a bike and just heading down to the small fishing villages in the south Yucatan and just being free. This is where the best reefs and beaches are. Far away from the commercial resorts. But before any of this, gotta get the kids graduated from college and moved out, it could be a long time :newsmile038:..