Here is what I'm trying out.. '09 RG, Ness Big Sucker I and adding V&H basic-slipons next week.
The instruction manual for aftermarket air/exhaust shows:
pot 1: 2:30
pot 2: 3:30
pot 3: 3:30
pot 4: 4:00
I'm going to run the bike with those TFI starting points for two tankfulls. See where I'm at. If the MPG is way to low for me, I'll adjust back pot 1 and 2 back 15 min and see what happens. Then keep adjusting until I get it where I see the MPG and feel the power is what I like. For pot 3 I may or may not turn it back any, I usually don't run over 4K (where it adds most of it's fuel), so not sure if that will impact me that much.
I'm thinking that with the TFI, you can't lean it out beyond the stock ratio, which is nice, but I bet you could richen it up way too much and possible wash down the cylinder walls. But just an assumption, someone with much more experience than me should prob respond.
Have fun and ride safe.