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Installing the Fueler

Finally got the fueler installed, the needle nose pliers and screwdriver was a great tip, thanks glider.
It almost seemed to be too easy....I set the low range RPM pot to 1800 and was going to set the high range crossover at 4000RPM but turned fully back it didn't crossover until 4500RPM so I left it in the 12o'clock position.(Instructions said 12o'clock would be at 3000RPM)
Except for the low range pot I find it is quite similar to the TFI so I have a little tuning question.
When I was adjusting the fuel for the ranges I set the engine to run at 1500 rpm in the low range then turned the pot until the engines RPM's increased then fell off, then i backed off then went up again until it reached highest RPM by adding fuel then back off the pot a tiny bit and left it there, did the same for the mid range but set engine to rev at 3000RPM. I didn't get a chance to test the high range since it doesn't come on untill 4500 so i just set that one at 3'oclock for now. A quick shot on the throttle and it popped with the accelerator pot at 12 so I turned it to 1 oclock and no popping so I left it there..
My question is.... is that the way to set the fuel pots....get the highest RPM and turn it back a hair??
The bike is running good decel popping at all now and no pop or hesitation on rapid acceleration.
It sounds like you got the #1 pot adjusted but the #3 pot shouldn be set like you did. Use the recommended settings and lean it out from there. The #4 pot should be at 4 for 4000 RPM crossover otherwise you will dump excess fuel into the engine when the #1 & #2 pots cross over into the #3 pot.
The accel pot #2 can be backed down quite a bit too.
No recommended settings with the SE fueler and I'm guessing won't be much in the line of tech support either.
What I'm really wondering about this is the Mid to High range RPM pot, Instruction sheet says fully counter clockwise it should have switched from yellow(mid range) to red (high range) at 3000 RPM. It didn't switch over to the high range (red LED) until 4500 RPM, I wanted to set that crossover point at 4000 but I can't since it doesn't begin until 4500 altho its supposed to start at 3000RPM.
I'm wondering if there is something not right with that pot.
I see what you mean about the TFI being easier to tune than the SE fueler as I had to set the low range fuel from 1000- 1800 RPM's then set the midrange fuel from 1801- 4500RPM's(higher than I wanted to go for midrange) then set the high range fuel(4501 -redline) Whereas with the TFI, I only would have had to set one fuel setting from idle to 4000RPM's and one more from 4001- redline.
Altho I'm using the SE Pro Race Fueler and it was fairly easy set up,I do and will recommend the TFI to anyone wanting fuel management on a stage 1 because it is an easier setup and they do have recommended settings for different combo's and they DO have tech support.

A little follow up on the SE Race Fueler.....I contacted the dealer I bought the SE fueler from(Ebay purchase) and asked him about the Mid to High range pot wouldn't switch to high range until 4500 when it should have been at 3000 with the setting I had it at(fully counter clockwise)
Here's the answer I got;
I checked with our Parts Dept. and they referred me to Service. The Service Manager recommends that you take your bike to your local shop and have it put on the Dyno-Jet. Thank you.
Typical Dealer responce... Sooooooooo I replied; would that tell me why the starting point for the Mid to High range RPM doesn't start until 4500RPM instead of 3000RPM when turned fully counter clockwise. Thanks anyway.
No reply to that one yet, I also asked if there is a warranty with it. I doubt I'll get an answer at all now.
Harley tech support; nonexistant, there is a phone number,it's not even an 800 one, so your dime and no help.
A bargain is no bargain unless it works right, the unit was NIB. I definately see a TFI in my future, I believe I saw on their site 2 yr warranty AND Tech support, but unless there is a malfunction with the unit(Warranty) the tech support guys will have a lot of time on their hands because these things are easier to set up than a carb.
I'm not out a lot of cash on this...but I should have taken gliders and hobbits advice from the get go(get a TFI) and should have known better myself to stay away from HD Dealers, 'cause if you encounter a problem with a HD product .....yer on yer own.
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Most dealers or "tech support" on their products are no help because they want to do the job for $$$. The TFI is goof proof and all that is needed on a street bike.
One good thing came outta this is my Indy bud came over when I was installing this and saw how easy the pot style fuelers are and he has enuf common sense to know adding fuel is all that's required for most street bikes, that now when someone comes in his shop for street performance upgrade...he'll be recommending a TFI instead of PCIII or V or a TMax

Hobbit, pushing the envelope with a street bike ,when timing and rev limits become involved and you're looking for that extra 1/10 hp & tq the tuners are the way to go. HD's handle as well as their handlers can handle them, but everything does have its limits. LOL
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