Didn't buy my Harley to worry about MPG, have no idea what I get and don't care. Mine is all stock and will probably stay that way. Just to many decision that have to be made when you start wanting to change things. I don't have that much time left to worry about it. Keep it on the road as much as I can. Ride safe my friends.
Nothing wrong with running a stock bike, but it is a good idea to monitor fuel mileage as part of the "--gas filling ritual" the reason being if something goes south in the tuning you will catch it before performance changes make it noticeable (which can be too late). Just fill the bike, zero the odometer, run for 100 miles or so and refill, write down mileage and fuel used (some like to fill and refill to the bottom of the filler neck for more accuracy). Mileage divided by Gallons used equates to your fuel mileage easy enough...simple spark plug change can make a difference of up to 10 mpg if one or both are fouled or gapped too wide.:small3d031: