When I warm up my bike, I pull out the choke and let it run until I feel the heat at the top of the rear jug. Then, I put the choke back in. This takes about seven minutes. Is it a bad idea to leave out the choke like this? If it is, how can I warm up the engine without having to continuously reving it for 5-7 minutes?
That is an inricher Not a choke. big difference. A choke reduce air so air to fuel mix is higher. An enricher adds fuel.
I stand corrected - and should know by the number of times I've had one of those cv's apart. Mind you, I've never ever had a problem with the choke ...errr... enrichener.
Interesting point about the risk of flushing the cyl walls.
Q. Modified by BUBBIE to fit answerI have not used my 'Enrichener/Choke' knob in over 2 years. I have an 05 deuce, carbed, but I give the bike a couple of twists of the throttle before I start it up, it starts first time every time. I DO however have to stay on the throttle, not gunning it, just holding it steady for a few minutes before it will idle on its own.
So, am I doing the right thing, (or the same as using the enrichener). I'm thinking that by me staying on the bike keeping the RPM's up manually is essentially the same effect. Is one better than the other....Hmmmm, just wondering. :newsmile053:
My thought process is 1) I don't like to leave the bike running while unattended and 2) I just like to be able to start the bike without having to pull the enrichener every time....even if I do have to keep it at a dull roar until she warms up.
Another point to think about . If it starts and runs ok with out using the enricher you may be running a tad rich.