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Is there anyone that has NOT had problems with their Harley!

If you can fix it yourself, it's not really a problem. Anything we buy today, has some type of problem, be it in the instuctions or quality of a product. I believe whole heartly in Harley. I hope to repair and modify my own.
I have had 4 Harleys and have averaged over 100K miles without a hitch Be Proud By American before Obama Gets in!

Ridew Safe
I can't remember a problem with any of the HDs I've owned that was not self induced, or due to neglect or old age.
Oh yea, some of them leaked, shook, and made you wish you were doing something else (if they didn't start on the 1st or 2nd kick!!)
But, all in's been a very good ride and I wouldn't trade a one of them for all the foreign iron ever built.
Purchased 2 new 2007... mine is a FatBoy and wife's rides a Deluxe. In 23 months mine has slightly over 20,000 miles and wife's has slightly over 15,000. NOT ONE PROBLEM. I have only had regular scheduled maintenance every 5,000 miles using synthetic oil and bikes still ride as good as the day we rode them off the Harley lot.