Are you still using the factory ignition and spark advance curve maps as they came from the factory? And as long as you have good compression, that does make it look like a rich carb.
Ok I'm not sure about any of the ignition settings but the carb is a super e. The fuel capcity is 4.2gal and I pulled the plugs (which are less than three months old) and compared them to the chart and they look perfect.
Well now you could be in the mid 30's. Your going to need a baseline number to do the comparisons after any changes so I would do the math on your next two fill ups.
There are a few simple things you can do the Super E to pop out a few more MPG.
Since you don't have a way to sniff the exhaust, you would not want to experiment too deep with the A/F ratio. Just wondering, what MPG number would you be happy with?
Well as of my last two fill ups I am hovering right around 30mpg. I would like to he closer to 40s if possible. A big part of me getting a bike was convincing my wife how much money we would save on gas going to and from work. At 30mpg its neck and neck with her Toyota. Not making my argument too easy.