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It's been a rough couple months

You are on my prayer chain, sorry to hear of so much pain in your life
Thanks ya'all. Life's down cycles can be real stressful but I've come to look forward and remember the good times with those that pass. Down times can't last forever and just gotta have hope.

Hey Brother,
I hear you on being ready for june. I was laid off and finally got a job working at a factory where my father worked. And a week later they fired my dad who is getting up there in age for a very small mistake that was made, that would normaly be a no harm no foul type of situation. He has a lot on his mind because my mother is in stage five of renal-failure. She is doing dialisis at home to try to keep up with what her kidneys wont do. Sometimes it seems to just dump on us, but it will get better. I know what its like to be left out of the loop when things are going on around you. I would just like you to know that you and your familie are in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and ride safe.

Sorry to hear about your mom. I'll say a prayer for your mom and dad.
I've had enough of April and May. I'm ready for June.
End of April my 84 yr old mom had heart surgery. The old gals tough and back in her hometown hospital recovering nicely.
I have 2 sisters and 6 brothers and my younger bro and wife live within 15 min of mom. The two knew of the surgery and happened to call our 2nd oldest bro to let him know. That's where the communications fell down. I found out on my birthday when he called but that was 4 days after the surgery. So a few days later I managed to drive into the city the following Tuesday and visit (12 hr dayshifts with me being 1 1/2 hrs out meant I couldn't get there within visiting hrs) and my girls managed to stop in too. Thanks to my work schedule I didn't make it in again for almost a week only to find she'd been discharged and back in her hometown hosp the previous Friday. Again the ones in the know couldn't be bothered to relay that little tidbit of info to the rest of us:small3d002:. Oh well, it left us a little disappointed in them but at least the news on mom is good.

May hasn't work out any better. A good friend and co-worker of 19 yrs ended up in the hospital a couple weeks later. They tried to do dialysis and blood transfusions on him but his internals were shutting down. The specialists sent him back to our area hospital as there was nothing they could do. He lingered for a week before he finally passed. He was only 49 and leaves a wife and two pre-teen kids. He was one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet. Always friendly and help anyone in need.

Then today we had to put our family's best friend and companion down. Our 16 yr old Shepard cross Sadie. The old gal has had it hard for the past year. You could see every step she took was hurting her and the pain meds weren't helping. She'd wandered off a few times this spring when we'd let her loose; something she'd never done before. We figured she was trying to find someplace to die. It took us a while to convince our girls it was the right thing to do and, though reluctant, they could see she was in pain and just not happy. My wife and I were hoping she'd just pass away in her sleep but that was not to be. The vet was over this afternoon and we put Sadie out of her misery. I think she knew it was coming and didn't even shrug when the vet gave her the initial shot to put her to sleep. Something she wouldn't have done before with a stranger. We're really going to miss her:(.

Ya, I'm ready for June.

Hey Brother,
I hear you on being ready for june. I was laid off and finally got a job working at a factory where my father worked. And a week later they fired my dad who is getting up there in age for a very small mistake that was made, that would normaly be a no harm no foul type of situation. He has a lot on his mind because my mother is in stage five of renal-failure. She is doing dialisis at home to try to keep up with what her kidneys wont do. Sometimes it seems to just dump on us, but it will get better. I know what its like to be left out of the loop when things are going on around you. I would just like you to know that you and your familie are in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and ride safe.
I have just returned from our vacation and checked in to my favorite forum to read what I have missed while away and was saddened to hear of both of your hardships. My mom, who passed away four years ago used to say that "things happen in threes". This seems to be the case here. I would like to add that the "darkest hour is always before the dawn" CSN&Y
Things will get better. I will pray that they do for both of you.
Jim ( HC )
I am sorry to hear of your troubles, and in many ways I can relate. I hope you can come to terms with the changes in your life. Time doesn't really heal these things, but it allows reflection, and I've found that this is what truely matters.
Hi....Glad your mom is getting better....Your not alone on the family part.....I am very sorry about your dog....That Hurts.....I had a darn cat for 14 years and I know some dont like cats but this cat thought it was a dog...She got cancer and I had to put it down and 2 years latter, it still stings a bit when I think of hur.....But then again, Im a softy.......Hang in there man...Mat
Hi....Glad your mom is getting better....Your not alone on the family part.....I am very sorry about your dog....That Hurts.....I had a darn cat for 14 years and I know some dont like cats but this cat thought it was a dog...She got cancer and I had to put it down and 2 years latter, it still stings a bit when I think of hur.....But then again, Im a softy.......Hang in there man...Mat

We have 3 cats. The oldest is around 12 yrs and she found us when she was around 3 months old (or some twirp dropped her off on the side of the road). Saved her from our Sadie and the neighbors dog so she's been mine ever since. After I'd buried Sadie I looked at the cat, Skittles, and told her she better go quietly in her sleep because we don't want to go through that again.

As for my mom, the old gal is doing great.:bigsmiley12: She was discharged from hospital a week ago and is at her home. She has home care which is why she's still alive today. The lady who visits her noticed she didn't look right so she'd phoned my bro and then the hospital. She in effect saved mom's life.

Took a ride up to see her on Wednesday. Nice visit and great to see she's got quite a bit of her strength back. 'Twas a beautiful day for a ride too. Nice 330 mile round trip. Managed to catch my bro at the restaurant he works and his wife at her work for short visits.

June so far has been great and I hope it keeps it up.:bigsmiley12:
I feel the same way about May, on May 1st I was laid off of my job and May 10th we had to put one of our Doberman's to sleep. She was 8 1/2 and had been very sick for the last couple months of her life. She spent a week in the animal hospital which cost us over $900.00. She was finally diagnosed with addisons disease and there was no cure. It killed me to dig her grave while she laid there and watched me.I was much more upset at losing my dog than I was of losing my job.I'm leaving on a road trip in a couple of days so that will be good therapy.