Yeah, Glider was stroking me a little with that remark.
Well, the saga continues. My Son in law talked to the dealer he bought the bike from, and as I fully expected, he will stand behind his sale and will replace the parts.
Also, as I expected, the Harley Dealer doesn't have to parts in stock!!!....Can you imagine, a multi million dollar operation does not have a part as common as a chain tensioner for a 96 TwinCam in stock.
He might just as well have said he didn't have any blacktop in his parking lot.
So, bottom line, I haven't talked to the seller myself....I really had no part in this deal so, I let my SIL handle it.
The parts are supposed to be here tomorrow and I will pick them up. When I do I will have a chance to talk to the seller myself and find out what the Harley dealer told him.