Can't speak to the J&S jack, as I have a Pit Bull. However, if you buy quality, and both the Pit Bull and the J&S are quality items, you will be happy and it will last a lifetime.
The above posts say it all. I love my J&S and the service the company provides. I spoke to Steve, the one riding the Harley in their video, before I bought mine. He was very helpful and I was sold.
Sorry about the empty post above My "wap" must have issues. My brother had to remove the rear wheel from his '07 Street Glide and the bike stayed solid as a rock, no straps. That's why I love the J&S jack. His red sears jack would not have worked acceptably.
Wow, OK I'm sold, going to have to wait til next month to buy it though as I just had to replace the ac compressor on my Corolla today and it wasn't cheap. Driving a car in south florida without ac is not really an option. Can't wait!
I did not read all of the posts but I have one of the J&S jacks,, Love mine, Jim & Steve are a couple of good guys, their jack is the best, very well built, and YES ,, I roll my Ultra around in the shop just like their video shows, had it now for 3 years.
The same as Retrop, I store mine every night for space more than anything. I bought mine last year and after sitting all winter the bottle jack did leak a little oil, I called and told them and they sent a replacement right away. I even asked if they wanted the old one back but said to keep it. Great product and customer service.
Definitely a great investment - got one for Christmas and could've cared less about any other present(s). Use mine for storage, cleaning, elevate mower, etc...awesome.
Don't know about the other jacks but I got mine about 2 weeks ago. It works great and slides right under my LowRider and lifts it with no problems. Just like the video. I climbed on my bike and it didn't budge an inch. Great American company. I paid good bucks for my bike and wanted a lift that is safe. This one is for sure, plus it will last for years and years.