God I never thought I'd get the response's to this post as I have. This forum, you guys (gals) are awesome. I am a romantic. I will do for my wiife always before I do for me. Another words, if I want to go for a ride, I ask first, "Is there anything you need or want before I go." It's just funny. I LOVE MY BIKE. Not more than her. But I LOVE MY BIKE. I think someone said, they touch and look at their bike everyday. Well, so do I. It is beautiful. Now, if I told my wife that, she'd think I was nuts. She just doesn't understand how a guy (gal) can love a piece of metal. It's a beautiful piece of metal. Now she'll say, "I like my car", I don't want to go to bed with it." Be honest with you. I wish my FatBob was in the house instead of out in the COLD garage. Oh, my god, if she heard me say that. LOL. I remember back in the early 70's I had a Truimph Bonneville. I brought the sucker downstairs in a house me and my buddy were renting. Now the stairs didn't go straight down. Oh no, they had two 90 degree turns. Going down was a piece of cake. Coming up, well, we tired a rope around my buddies bumper out back. I tied it to the forks and as he pulled I popped wheels up the stairs. Ha Ha. Boy I think about that now, what an idiot. Now I have to agree with my wife. That was dumb. But I have never told her that one. There are some things you just don't tell a women.