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Jiffy stand

While looking at the front forks on my softail I pulled the handlebar to the right to see into that side. Of course the bike moved forward an inch or so. Although I know it won't fall it still freaked me out. You just have to get used to these bikes doing that. Even at that it can still scare you for a second.
don't worry the only time I've seen the bike go down was in a drunken stupor and didn't get the stand all the way down, they are solid.
Jiffy stand's solid...gotta worry more about poking through soft tar in summertime. Make sure you park on concrete, or have a stand puck...

Smitty's post showing the jiffy stand stability works...and yes if you have a hot day and want to park on soft asphalt the H-D Jiffy Stand coaster works so you do not have to worry about the bike sinking onto it's side.

I drilled a small hole in it to tie a 6' string to it so all you have to do is lean the bike up, then pull on the string to retrive and pack it up. :coffee

Thanks for all the replies. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had this uncomfortable feeling. I guess it's just gonna take some getting used to.
Thanks again!
I carry a metal 4inch junction box cover in one of my bags to use when parking on hot asphalt
I know your concern, believe me! I had laid my bike down by tilting it over too far while moving it one day in the driveway and I couldn't pick it up by myself! I had to get help. Afterwards when I would put the bike on the Jiffy stand I would watch the bike move a little bit and I would freak out. I would think " Oh no! It's gonna fall over again".
I even posed on this forum about my uneasyness with the bike falling over. I remember reading Smitty's thread that the Jiffy stand, and I quote "Is a work of art". Well, I didn't believe him ( at first ) :D But then I started raising my bike up on a lift and you want to worry about it falling over, try for the first time lowering it on a lift!! My heart was in my mouth when it came down for the first time and rocked ever so slightly front to back. But it didn't fall over! One time the bike came down faster than usual and I thought for sure it's gonna fall over then, but it didn't! Now I have complete confidence in that stand. I just now watched the video that Smitty had a link to and there's a guy jumping up and down on the bike while it's on the stand. I mean, what does it take to make it fall over? :)
Just make sure it's in gear on an incline. It won't fall over, it'll just walk away from ya!! :s
My 05 electra glide moves forward a few inches when its on the stand. I got it from the original owner and he told me its allways done it. Its never fell so now I dont look back when I get off! Its easier on the heart