Your on the second 1/2 year of the 00 built bike...
The Early 99 build date year (yours 00)
used 2 ball style bearings in the cam plate... Nothing wrong there BUT the rear Cam drives the front cam and the Ball style bearing could not take the extra Load, needed to be Upgraded to a Roller style
(you have that Upgrade in the 00 build date also the camplate correct not like the 99 1/2 year on the 00 bike like I had).
The early 00 built motor (first 1/2 year 99 build date) also had the camplate modified by HD and the bearings were left Loose fit (so Loose they would Fall need to Press in or out)...
Your 00 is good MINE was NOT...
I changed out mine myself and also bought a Delkron camplate.... I ran the new bearing in the bike then Latter, I also went to gear drives about that time (early on in 00)...
HD would Not repair/replace until the motor BLEW...:small3d023:
So You are good and should be Happy the 00 year build date is there.
Occasionally I find a person having the early 00 bike with 99 build date that has never had the bearing AND camplate changed out... :small3d023:
IN FACT I just found one on this forum.... She will get back soon I Hope...
Thank you, good info!