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Just for fun. Do you have a road name?

Mine is sarge...much in the same manner as top has his road name. A lot of times I ride with people from work, or people from the base, and they all know me as a sergeant. So sarge it is. And it is a proud name to have. :small3d022::USA
Got the nick name Grumpy years ago from my then 6th grade daughters
friends. I was helping coach their team and told them I didn't get paid to do
it so if they worked I would be friendly, if not I'd be really grumpy. At the
end of the season one of the kids bought me a Grumpy shirt from Disney,
also went to Rose Bowl that year and my wife and kids bought every thing
Grumpy they could find, so now most of my shirts all have something Grumpy
on them therefore my riding buddies dubbed me Grumpy
Well me and my riding buddies all have them, all for different reasons....

We have my self Bill "(edited)", Dave "Mr. Tequilla", Lisa "Oh (edited)", Deb "MOM", and last but not least Gary "Hit Me".

Well you probably know were Bill's nickname came from. Yes I had the unfortunate opportunity to have to get on the back of not just a ride, but to make it worse it was a woman's ride. OUCH.

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Well 30 years later and after raising 3 girls, I got back into the bike seen. Late teens early 20's always rode a Honda 750 or Triumph. My FatBob is my first Harley. Everyone now calls me Harley. Really original. Hey, I didn't choose the name.
we call my best friend sandbox when we ride. we pull into a sports bar late one night. the place was packed not much in the way of parking, and im kind of picky about where i park my bike. he yells over to us hey theres plenty of parking down here. before we could say anything he rides down into a newly poured and smoothed sand pit for sand volleyball. he immediatly sinks to the spokes. took four of us to get the bike out. so now when we wanna mess with him we call him sandbox.
was once refered to as "Road Wench" behind my back for awhile because one of my friends wife didn't ride much with us so he would just tell her he would call the "Road Wench" because I would always ride with him... when his wife got her own bike and we all started to ride together the name kind of fell by the roadside.... then recently I got tagged as "Cougar"... I seemed to get hit on by the younger set for some reason... time will tell if this one will last
Haywire like forum name. Nick I picked up in my misspent youth and my riding buddies still call me by it:D
Raising 3 boys and all their friends would come over and always called Me PaPa T and has always stuck since then. They even introduce me to their new friends when we get together that way.