hopefully march will cooperate. we usually get a few nice days but they come with 50 mph wind. but even that sounds good right now. still lookin at six to eight weeks. very very long weeks.
whenever the weather is good enough
had the dyna out for short run last sunday temp got to 4c, today it got to 3c in the sun but the ice on the road didnt melt and its steep downhill with bends to the main road so used the car today
I'll ride if its above 40. We had a few days in December and January that were warm enough to layer up and go. I went for a 45 mile ride Friday -- saw three other guys out.
My avatar shows some of my cold weather gear. I think if I had some snow bibs I could stay out longer.
Normally where I'm at I can start thing about riding the end of March or early April. Occasionally might be cable to get it out at least once a month. Did ride in Nov with 12 inch of snow on the ground but the roads were clear and it was 60 degrees.
Last time I rode was 12/27 the day I traded in my springer for a new SG. I put 29 miles on the springer to break the 20k mark and then I put 1.5 mile on the new SG . Didn't even take the SG home yet. Ever since that day we have had snow on the ground and I just don't mean alittle of it. So now it don't look I'll be doing any riding anytime soon.