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Knee problems

Have had both knees worked on 3 times for same reason. 1st day after surgery stay completely off of it and relax. Last surgery was a complete sucess and have no trouble with them was off work 3 weeks just to make sure they were good to go. Do your rehab and exercise and enjoy being waited on MAYBE!! Good Luck
I had surgery for a torn meniscus a few years ago and was having a great recovery until I over did it. Like others have the rehab and be patient. Even if it means restricting some of your activity for 6 weeks or so. Doing that is much better than extending the problem for several months.
First meniscus I tore, they sewed it down. Resulted in 4 weeks of no weight bearing. That is a long stinking time to be on crutches.

Second time they trimmed it up and I was able to put weight on it by the next day (If I recall correctly).

If you are even somewhat active and they want to sew it down, I would strongly suggest getting a second opinion.
The procedure is not that bad. Usually out patient.

Don't want to scare you but I wound up with an infection after mine. This resulted in a total knee replacement after a year.

The point I am getting to is DO NOT let any nurse or doctor touch your wounds with out washing their hands first. You have no idea from where they just come from.

Second and everyone agrees, thearpy and excersise. Got to do it period.

Good luck with everything...Joe
Frustrated ! It's been 16 weeks now and am still not able to ride my bike. I had surgery for a torn miniscus on 10/16 but during surgery my calf muscle got tore again somehow. It had jus got to the point where I could put my weight on it and walk some just before surgery. Dr. sent me to have a ultra sound and said I had blood clots. Hope this gets straightened out soon. I want to ride. Because of getting down and up I can't even work on the bike. Just need to vent as I'm frustrated !
I just went through this i had a torn miniscus. I went in on tuesday for about 45 minute surgery, they make 2 very small cuts 1 on each side of your knee cap and then go in and either cut the torn piece out or repair it and take pictures. I was in the recovery room for about 30 minutes and then was wheeled out to my car they told me to stay off it for 48 hrs and after 72 hrs light duty. So when i got home i walked into the house got bored and went to the garage and cleaned my bike. I was riding again on thursday. This surgery made alot of pain go away in my knee. And after about a week i was 100% again. Hopes this help happy riding..
Frustrated ! It's been 16 weeks now and am still not able to ride my bike. I had surgery for a torn miniscus on 10/16 but during surgery my calf muscle got tore again somehow. It had jus got to the point where I could put my weight on it and walk some just before surgery. Dr. sent me to have a ultra sound and said I had blood clots. Hope this gets straightened out soon. I want to ride. Because of getting down and up I can't even work on the bike. Just need to vent as I'm frustrated !

I am SO SORRY for your frustation and set back. Please do not rush your recovery - it will only set you back. Your calf muscle is integral in manuvering your bike backward or pushing it forward -- as well as countless other daily tasks. Also, I do not have to tell you -- blood clots in you calf are life threatening -- they like to move to other areas, notibly, your heart and lungs.

Take good care of yourself - allow your body to mend, as frustrating as it is, you need to, in order to be able to ride for a long time after the healing.

I sent you a PM

Sorry to hear soulshaker. I tore mine back in May, finally got around to getting it check out a few weeks ago and had surgery last Wednesday. I was able to put pressure on it and walk a little bit the same day. Used a crutch for 2 days for long distances but now I am forcing myself to walk and not limp.
Have faith soulshaker
I have had the surgery twice in the last year. I over did it on the first go around and tore the meniscus again so just had the second sugery 3 weeks ago. I am doing the exercises and it seems to only make it worse as far as pain but from what others have told me exercise and physio are the way back to health.
Most of all be patient (this is coming from someone that isn't) It will come around with proper care. Good luck.
had a full acl, 4 steel plates, 8 screws, donor tendons, artificial knee cap done in 02. 2 small scars bout the size of a dime, was walking, in pain in 3 days, 80% in a month with intense therapy, still have discomfort, but i can walk and not on pain killers.

shop around for the best orthapedic doc you can find