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Kuryakyn ISO grips - problem?

Like was mentioned earlier , the glue that comes with them is super fast at activation , I recomend a trial run without the glue on the left one and see excatly where you want it then clean everything up and glue it as in the instructions and it shouldn't be a problem
I had them on my 02 Sporty for 8 yrs no issue (cleaned them up realy good before install).

Now on your TBW 2010, you may have more of an issue with any new grip with the right side than left. Just make sure when you put on the right side grip you don't pinch/pull/stretch any wire when tighting the assembly back up. If you do, your gonna start throwing DTCs (P2138 and possibly P1510). This happened to me and I had to go back and re-do it, reset the DTCs and all is good now.

Good luck and enjoy customizing!
Left Iso grip went loose on my evo too. Used 3 M spray adhesive, will probably never come off now. Get yourself a can of that if the issue pops up again.
I've got them on my 08 w/TBW. Just make sure you get the grips designed for 08 and later touring bikes; the right grip is designed differently inside to work with TBW. Right grip was a very easy install, just follow the directions. No glue needed on the right side.

Overall, the grips are a very easy install. No need to pay a dealer to install.
Here's a quick update on this.

I called the dealer back, apparently they wont install *any* Kuryakyn grip because of legal issues, he says they all suffer the same problem, left grip comes loose. There apparently was a lawsuit (shocking!), and this particular dealership served as a consultant.

So I called another dealership, same thing wont install any Kuryakyn grips. Says that the HD grips too can come loose, but they have (not sure if I'm paraphrasing correctly) a flange of some sort which prevents them from coming completely off, and said it would be easy for Kuryakyn to do the same thing.

This person (service manager) says he's not a fan of *any* HD heated grip because of reliability problems, he's getting Heat Demons for his own ride.

So there you have it, sports fans....
Everyone I talk to that use the heated grips have had them replaced several times, and although I have the Willie G skull grips on my bike, If HD is telling you that they will not put them on, and have given you a reason, I would not use them, better safe than sorry. JMO
My HD dealership stocks the ISO grips and installed them on my 08 Ultra when I bought them. 14,500 miles later since the grips changed, no problems with left or right