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Learning to ride again with.....

Thanks All! Just an update. I still have to put a heel/toe linkage on my bike, and now I find out my boot won't go on my new foot! And I thought all the snow was gone, it snowed an inch here this morning! Besides....all the sand is still not off our roads yet. So, come Monday, off to my local shoemaker to have my boot fixed, and hopefully this week get the linkage all set. Soon......

Brian; very inspiring story and keep up the positive attitude. If you "believe" will happen. Good luck w/the boot mods and hope to see your 1st ride post soon - take care!
:D Best of luck to you Brian, you have a GREAT attitude
Little update. I took my 'girl' out of her room in the barn 4 days ago. Put my newly modified boots on, and rode around my driveway 3 times. A little shaky and apprehensive. I still have to figure out the linkage for a heel/toe shifter on a street bob, BUT, I think I am gonna do this again!...yea baby! Didn't take it for a ride, cause it's not inspected yet, but the biggest reason, I get my NEW foot/socket tomorrow. I want to feel as comfortable and ready as I can be before going on the road. Man, what a long and strange trip this has been!....Seems like those are lyrics in a song that I listen to! It's gonna's gonna's gonna work.....:)

It's coming!!.....getting ready for the BIG day ! Been a long time coming....pretty close to a year....BUT, it gonna happen! Oh yea!!
