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Leather Protesters in PA

Are you sure it is a spoof?

TQ - Like the picture of a "Tree Hugging Human"...

Is this report for real? It reads like something from Wild Hogs...

We are OMNIVORES not veg eaters. If someone wants to do that that's up to them but that's their business and eating meat or wearing leather is mine.

That said - I don't agree with killing scarce or endangered animals for some trophy wife to have a flash coat - fake fur is far superior to fake leather in terms of how it needs to perform and work. JMO and pass me another steak...

Cedarbrook - personally my trophy wife knows her furs and jewelry, and would disagree, I also have no problem either...nothing but the best for her ('cause I really do intend to live a long life without a handicap (far be it from me to disagree with her on this)! :rofl
Cedarbrook - personally my trophy wife knows her furs and jewelry, and would disagree, I also have no problem either...nothing but the best for her ('cause I really do intend to live a long life without a handicap (far be it from me to disagree with her on this)! :rofl

I'll have to let you off on the fur issue then R because clearly you're just demonstrating good survival skills - essential to all of us on this forum.:D:D:D