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Lifter bleed down

I cannot remember on a TC, but I know on a Evo motor they are different lengths for the intake and exhaust, are you sure you put them back into where they came out of?
Here is a simple way to check it, take the plugs out, jack the rear of the bike up and put in the highest gear, turn the motor until your front exhaust lifter is all the way up and the rear exhaust lifter is all the way down, the one that is down should be able to be spun by hand, and then vice-versa for the front exhaust and then the intake valves you can check the same way.
thats right black on exhust and silver for intake.. course the 04 we cut them out of all 4 were black
something is not making sense here. Are you saying that they are all tight and not able to be spun?
You got a TC88 with a 95" kit and all you did was pull the top end off and pulled the pushrods out, lifters were left in and put it back together now your pushrods are tight? Correct?