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Like A Rock!!

Never a dull moment here, when i dont have a puter handy I feel lost LOL:p
As this is my first bike at 50 I knew nothing about Harleys. I sifted through all the sites that came up in the search and HDTimeline ended up on top. Content, organization, patience, expertise, everything. I read through the post daily for three months before buying the bike and joined after my purchase. I'm still learning but hope someday I can help someone as you all have helped me.

Being a new Harley owner, you are in good company with a venue to share your experiences. I for one have NEVER owned a brand spanking new Harley and am very interested in first impressions and your relationship with your V-Twin eh...mistress. Try not to let her interfere with your other relationships and you will be fine. We all love a good story technical, fiction or non-fiction! :lolrolling
Hadn't seen you on in a while, was wondering if you were still around. Glad to see you back.
Yeah, hey back at ya Jake. I didn't mean to fade away it just kinda happened.
You still riding round the country....I can't wait till I can put retired in front of my name. :cheers
09RKC. Congratulations on your first Harley. I can appreciate your excitement for I purchased my 1st in 2008. Best bike in 25 years of riding. You have picked the best on the net.
When I first got my bike, I found this forum from a Google search, and I don't even remember what I was trying to find. After finding the site and becoming a member I logged on everyday for about about a year and a half or more. Slowly I logged on less and less because of seeing a lot of the same posts and questions over and over. and eventually end up not logging on for quite a while. Maybe 3 or 4 times in the last 6 or 8 months. My loss I guess, but I like to give Kudos to all the mod's and tech guru's that still log on EVERY SINGLE DAY and answer the same questions day in and day out. With out you guys this site would be nothing But since your still here moderating and answering the site is still here and getting better everyday...So Thanks Glider,Smitty,Hoople,Bud,Hobbit (if your still around), and all the newer guys and all the good members that have made this site what it is.:cheers

Sounds like I'll be doing more reading then posting. That's OK cause I hate typing!:lolrolling