Not saying it was right, just saying that was the "reasoning" and sign of the times as battery technology and 12V systems were really needed "back then" in the old days generator/alternator and British electrics were, how should I say "wanting".
Aye lucas electronic stuff was not great but then it was technology of its time i dont know of any British twin of the old order where the electric starter could in any way be relied on to start the bike i think it was the last of the commandos and the last of the bonnies that were the only ones to have an electric right foot
I think us law made it mandatory for the headlight to be on when the engine was running for 1993 and the easiest way was to have it linked to the main power switch but the old british order had been dead for 10 years by then but old habits die hard and i always have my lights off when starting and only put them on once moving and i can because my bike is a 92 and i have the option