Lots of good advice on here , Try it both ways and make up your own mind whats best for you . I look over . Good luck , Mike,
Say whats a love bug....
Love bugs are a wonderful southern tradition this time of year. Bugs that fly around kinda hooked together that look like they're mating. Millions of them around this time of year. Later in the summer here in Texas we get butterfly season too.
I look through the windshield when its' on my Sporty, but I do love taking it off on the weekend rides and eating some bugs!
Love bugs are a wonderful southern tradition this time of year. Bugs that fly around kinda hooked together that look like they're mating. Millions of them around this time of year. Later in the summer here in Texas we get butterfly season too.
I look through the windshield when its' on my Sporty, but I do love taking it off on the weekend rides and eating some bugs!
Bugs in your teeth as opposed to on the windshield.
I like to be able to see just over the top edge of the windshield sitting up tall or through it sitting comfortable.