I have also been considering swapping SE255 cams into my 08 Electraglide.
Went in today and priced out the cams, installation kit, adjustable pushrods etc. and it adds up pretty quick.
After some consideration, I think I will simply go for the Stage 2 kit as it includes the cams, 103" barrels and pistons, air intake kit and all gaskets. Stage 2 kits retail for under a grand which is only a few hundred dollars more than quote I was given for just the cams and related parts. Stage 2 appears to give the best bang for the buck.
Will still have to go with some sort of tuner but am leaning toward Screamin Eagle or TTS.
I have learned from the MANY about this Build.
Many- many comments from the BUILDERS of these TC Motors and Heads:
When going 103" and using the SE255's,, MOST Suggest to Install the relief valves into the heads while apart..
The 96" bikes don't develop the "Too Much" compression with the SE255 cams like the increased 103" size.
THIS being the bonus in using them in the 96", giving More Power AND coming on Early at the lower RPM's...
because going 103" and 255's WILL increase Beyond the safe compression limits for
streetable bikes 10.1/10.2/ after going 103".and static compression might be
OVER the suggested Under 190 lbs MAX cc pressures,developed in the 103", Hitting too high for a good road ride..(201/205 ccp).... NOW there is the "Hard starting Issue" and Kick Backs.
HIGH octane gas is needed Especially with this added ccp developed. Using comp. reliefs Allows easier starting on the hot engine ,,, saving starters and battery.
Also suggested for the streetable ride bikes IS to CC the head chambers out (More) a Little to -drop the compression pressure Just A Bit..
IF you stay with the early Close of intake at 25* on the SE 255's and go 103".
I plan to offset this higher compression by using the -4* gear changing timing to 29* close..... when I go 103".
103" will develp Just a little more compression then needed and WILL bock after Fueling at the gas stop when the motor is still HOT.
Not Always Kick-backs on every bike, but enough times to warrent the valves...
Many riders reported this(with out c. r. valves) as a Problem,,,,
ME, I like compression but This Time Around on my FLHR,, I will NOTE and HEED the Limits Needed to run as a GOOD streetable bike...
I don't know if the KIT you speak of comes with the Compression relief valves but Strongly suggest you install..