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Lost my rear brake


Junior Member
I got a leak in the metal line coming off of the master cylinder. I have a parts manual I believe the part is number is 40971-00. But the manual is a little unclear. There is a rubber hose that goes to the caliper, then the metal line that goes leaves the master cylinder then back to the rubber hose. I need the metal line. I am thinking that 40971-00 is the whole assembly. (diagram points to the rubber hose)

Anyone replaced this?
Maybe the after market has a stainless steel braided line available. I would check with Russel or Goodyear. Also some industrial hose shops can make braided lines up for you. They might have to use the ends from your originals
2004 Road King forgot to mention earlier,

Thanks, I plan to go with stainless steel braided from Russell. They make a replacement (p/n 23-8844 V-twin). About 70.00 dollars, I think it will be easier to work with and more reliable.

I pulled the old one off. It is one piece. So the 40971-00 is the right part #
There is a spot on the metal line that rubbed against the frame and rubbed a hole in the line. I am hopeful the aftermarket will eliminate this.

I almost got really lucky. I was working out of town today and stopped at Indy shop. He had a complete OEM brake line assembly "take off". But could not remember if it was for a Heritage or a Touring. He said "take it, see if it's right, then stop by and drop off 5 bucks if it works, bring it back if not." I just gave him five buck(since it was out of town). Figured it would be worth the gamble, it must be for the heritage, it is a little different them mine. Was worth a try.

After thinking about this and considering input I decided to go back stock. The brake line from HD is 150.00. I found one on ebay from a salvage company for alot less. I'm cheap. Anyway I got the part today. It has the "exact" same rub as my line(just not through yet). I called the company and got a full refund. It might just be a coincidence that these have the exact same rub. But I bet there are some bikes out there that are in danger of loosing their rear brake.


  • brakeline sidebyside web.jpg
    brakeline sidebyside web.jpg
    74 KB · Views: 29
That is no coincidence in my opinion. Where/what is this line rubbing on to cause that. You have to be right about several bikes having this same problem.

Great Heads up information. Details on exactly what is going on.
That is no coincidence in my opinion. Where/what is this line rubbing on to cause that. You have to be right about several bikes having this same problem.

Great Heads up information. Details on exactly what is going on.

I measured from where the line mounts to the front Brake Pedal/Master Cylinder. The center of the rub is 12.25" back from the center of hole that mounts on the MC. It appears is rubbing against the bottom of the engine, just below where the timing cover mounts(there is a boss with a tapped hole that sticks out a little). The rub is on the wrong side to be rubbing the frame.

This on a 2004 RoadKing
The clutch cable is what rubs the break line. They meet right below the passenger side floor board. I have checked out a couple friends bikes.

Harley must be aware of the problem. On the replacement line both sections are rubber hose. It is nice came with all new clamps. I put it on last night. Much nicer then original. (More like the aftermarket, go figure)
Well there you go...HD is on a Corporate roll...(role) -- without admitting any guilt or wrongdoing...(wall street speak if they stated what they really felt) they went this route: "--in line with continuous design improvement a new revision 2 piece brake line was introduced to improve brake feel and performance...! Is there a problem or was there a problem? "None that we can see has been documented."