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Lurching Clutch

We live in a litigious society and everyone, no, some are looking for something for nothing. Remember the lady who sued McD's for spilling hot coffee in her lap. Seems since then there has been a rash of this stuff. The courts, judges, should throw them out as frivilous but they are allowed to continue. One thing you can count on is that whatever you think should be done, it probably wont.
As Shakespeare Said "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". the reason judges don't throw out these stupid lawsuits is Judges are lawyers also.
Great - I just read through the whole thing and discovered it was started by a "professional pilot." Wouldn't you like to fly with that guy!?! Can't even start his bike without lurching forward and hurting himself. I shouldn't jump to conclusions but this smells like someone who had been drinking and/or started the bike without pulling the clutch in at all and now wants to cover his experience by filing a lawsuit over a faulty clutch design. Why would I think that, you might ask? I did the exact same thing on my Sporty shortly after I got it and I wanted to show it off for my brother by cranking it up. We'd been watching football and having a couple beers and luckily it happened in my own driveway. Also the Sporty was light enough it didn't get away from me as it jumped ahead about 2 feet - what a coincidence, that's the exact distance mentioned in the lawsuit!

If anyone's read King of Torts, you know exactly what's going on here.
Soon they will have to start selling them with mandatory training wheels to avoid lawsuits!
A lot of Hooey it is. I'll remember that one:D
I believe it states in your operators manual how to start your bike correctly ,apparently this person did not take the time to read his or her owner/operators manual ,the instructions are very clear and I believe they do this to protect themselves from people like this .But I am certain if he had only put a set of training wheels on his bike he would not have had any issues.:bigsmiley28:
I always start any of my bikes in neutral with the clutch pulled in and with the front brake on. Learned that session young When I thought I had bike in neutral (the light was on), it moved forward and fell.

You can only do so much to protect someone from themselves.

Amen, 25 yrs ago when I was learning to ride, this was how I was taught and still do it to this day, I don't trust N light, is intermittant at best on my old Roadie
i saw the lawsuit also was talking about it with doug09-ultra .. should sign on to see if i can win enough to pay Harley off .. yep it lurches big deal its 1" maybe

Hey Bud, obviously a lot of thought was put into this frivolous lawsuit, the clutch is Japanese made so this suit will not affect U.S. jobs :newsmile075: AND it appeals to our patriotic heritage...:small3d007: In todays economy, just follow the money...and there in lies the problem...its' not OUR money so what can it hurt if the payout goes in our pocket, I don't think any executives will take a hit, and can't imagine American workers needing the money to pay their bills... :bigsmiley28:
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This is a stupid lawsuit. I never park my bike in neutral. I always start my bike in first gear. I am always in the seat when I start my bike. I have never tried to start my bike without the clutch pulled in. Yes my bike does "lurch" especially when cold, but if I couldn't hold the bike back I wouldn't ride it anymore. The "lurch" amounts to about 1" of wheel travel.
Ah Doug, to you it moved 1", but for that "silly" rider, he probably dropped the clutch and rolled on the throttle...for good measure...think it was comedian Ed White who said "--you can't fix stupid."
Growing up on a farm, I was taught early on you always push in the clutch when starting equipment. (pull in on a bike). Maybe you can count on the "N" lite, maybe not. Look at it this way, put your 2 year old child or grandchild in front of your bike. Is is really too much effort to pull in your clutch to insure everyones safety? JMO.:)