Well I bought a new PC today and I got a I Mac. This is a whole new world for me. This is this the first Mac I have ever used, I have been using Windows since day 1, so now I am really lost
So I am curious if anyone else is using a Mac and if you can give me any quick tips or advice about using this system. I would just like to know if there is any major differences between Mac OS vs Windows. I do know from what I already am seeing, I love this computer, it is light years from what I have been using. Thanks for any help..
That is where I am at currently. After having received an IMac for Christmas I still have it in the box because I dread the learning process. So I am using my old Sony Vaio desktop. I will eventually do as you did, use it more and more. That's the only way to learn i guess.I'm not sure if this will help, but I drag my windows from the bottom right corner to make them bigger. I have had my mac for just under a year. I was always pc based. I now use my mac 95% of the time. I have never had a problem with it.
I didn't have much time to 'learn' it early on, so I continued to use the pc. Eventually, oh like December-ish, I started using the mac more & more. Now, I sort of dread going to the pc these days. The mac is just so much easier to figure things out, it just makes sense. :s