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Maine Members Roll Call

So far if I plug us all into the "Let's Meet in the Middle" tool that Mainah posted, it puts us in Sabattus. Our two furthest members are in Berwick and Benton so if I just use those two it puts us in Freeport. Any thoughts? :)
I can't think of anyplace in Sabattus but there are lots of places in Freeport. Bucks Naked Barbeque comes to mind. I've never been there but heard it has some good reviews and is bike friendly with a parking lot which is hard to find at the places right in town.

Buck's Naked BBQ

However there is a large parking garage in town and lots of outside parking, all free. All the places I've been to in town were pretty good Jameson Tavern right next to Beans comes to mind as a good pick.

Jameson Tavern

I'm open to anyplace though.
Freeport is eminently doable my two wheel friends! Momma would like to come on her ricer. Told her maybe, but she has to park away from real bikes. Told her she had to shine the real bikes. She said she'd shine my eye!:small3d031: I'm in. Now pray to the Gods of weather!:worthy:small3d028:
LD, momma is more than welcome. I do believe my wife will be going also. We can meet in Augusta and ride down from there. What do you think for time?
Sunday works, earlier the better, since I have to work at 4 PM. Freeport is cool, and meeting in Augusta for the ride down sounds perfect. Sorry I haven't checked lately. If you follow the news here in central Maine, you know we have been getting slammed. A morning to ride and some great food, new friends, priceless. I'm stoked! :taunt