Active Member
I just finished a 30 day leave (I work overseas). June was a busy time for us; a new bike, two new riders, a bike accident, and a road trip to Ohio and back. My wife and I traveled ~ 2,000 miles in 5 riding days. We took all back roads from Maine to Ohio and traveled mostly highways from Ohio back to Maine. We had a great time and my wife, MJ is an excellent riding companion. No breakdowns, no incidents (though the bankers doing the infamous road race passed us in New York!), and best of all we had a great time together and saw some beautiful countryside. We took a two and a half days to get there, spent a week at my parents and took two and a half days to get back; no definate plans other than we decided we needed to travel a minimum of 300 miles a day and had a pre-selected route. Stopped when we wanted, started the day off when we wanted, and ended the day when we wanted! We did experience a day or so of bad weather on each leg but it didn't dampen our spirits too much
. Lesson learned: don't not mount your GPS because it doesn't look cool! On some of those NY backroads the GPS is sure handy ;>.