Missed mentioning, yesterday my wife got stung on the hip just after we entered into Montana. Her hip swelled up a bit at first but now the area is inflammed.
Day 13: We left Kalispell and headed up hwy 2 to the turn off to the Glacier Park for the ride into the sun road. Sunny and mild, just perfect for a real nice ride in and up until we hit construction. Fantastic view of the mountains and from the side of the mountains.
Bike overheated while doing the stop and go turtle crawl past construction. Why must people stop when your being led around construction areas by a escort vehicle?:bigsmiley19: Couldn't these dummies just hand the camera to a passenger and get them to take the pic? We were only going a few miles/hour for petes sake. My wife managed to take pics riding the back of a bike. Really peeved me off when, after being stopped waiting for the escort vehicle, three vehicles still stopped 20 ft ahead to take a pic of a waterfall that they could've snapped while waiting the ten minutes.
Rear cylinder started cutting out from overheating. Nowhere to stop in construction, but as soon as we had a place to pull off, we shut 'er down to cool off and let the slowpokes get ahead.
About half way through the Pass we said goodbye to our friends from Alberta since they were heading north once they hit St. Mary and hwy 89. Coincidently this was also just before we hit construction and had to stop to cool down.
Once we hit hwy 89, we headed to Great Falls where we are for tonight. What a difference in landscape from mountain with lots of trees to nearly bare rolling hills. Just south of St. Mary there is an area previously hit by fire. Not pretty what fire can do to a forest. Just skeletons of trees.
I guess we'll see if the wife's hip is worse by morning or if the antihistimines are working. If not, we'll be heading back to Canada to get her checked out.
If she's better, we'll flip a coin on the map and go from there.