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Marines stop shoplifter

I'd bet big money those marines were kind enough to help the thief up after his nasty fall.
I love hearing stories like this.. I saw a video on YouTube where this young thug attacked a old 65 year old vietnam Vet,on a bus. I don't think he'll make that mistake again,, That old feller opened up a large can of whoop (EDIT)
and put it on him.. I'm not sure if I can put the link on here but if someone lets me know I'll put it on here next time I get on here... I'm sure you all would enjoy it.. or you can type it in on the search engine and see it..Tom

Makes me proud to be a former Jarhead.

Semper Fi!

I've alway's been told once a Marine alway's a marine.. Thank you for your service.

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I suppose now that an idiot ambulance chasing attorney will try suing the Marine Corp for the injuries suffered by his client when he tripped and fell to the pavement!
My guess would be in Ga. a lawsuit against the Marines wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Atlanta in July......San Francisco,LA,Boston ,maybe but not in Ga.