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Maybe it's time to give up.

Hey bud sorry to/hear of your accident hope you are feeling better now,for what its worth bro I have been knocked off twice in London one a bad one.cagers are the same everywhere(sorry didn't see you mate). Take the winter months to build your confidence and then early one spring morning when its quiet get the Harley out and ride again.don't give up mate stuff it to them and enjoy your riding again. Rod/UK.
Glad you weren't hurt any worse.

It's just going to take time to get the correct perspective on what you want to do. When that time comes you will either get back in the saddle or give it up. If you love riding enough you will get back on, :cheers here's a cheers to you to get back on.
Good to hear that you are ok
I gave up winter riding a few years back as the roads always seem to be slippery the salt sand mix that is spread on the roads creates a fine slippery paste that covers the road surface I have been too often on the road with a bike on top of me
I wait until the roads are in better condition before the bike comes out
Perhaps now is a good time for you to take a break from riding once the roads are clean and dry and the sun is out you will possibly feel the need to be riding again

Hoping you will be OK and not stop riding because of this, but be more aware of the cars and keep a good attitude:s
Glad that it was not worse. PLEASE do not give up riding because of this event. Hone your skills and possibly take a motorcycle safety course to help you understand evasive actions while riding. The course will help you understand that putting a bike down is the worst thing you can possibly do for you are actually crashing motorcycle and not allowing your self to do any number of evasive moves to avoid a collision. My theory on riding is I am the only one going to loose if involved in a accident, so the only one that I rely on is myself to prevent myself from getting into a accident. These are some of the skills learned through taking motorcycle safety courses....
Best to you and a full recovery.....

Thanks for your advice buddy. I am looking at taking a course when I'm up and about. But putting the bike down was my only option in this case because option 3 would have been to hit a school bus coming the opposite direction and option 4 would have been to mount the kerb and risk running into a group of kids on their way to school. So option 2 was my only one. our roads are quite narrow, so if I took off the brakes, and tried to get past the Taxi, I would have probably been squashed between that and the bus.
Thank you for all your positive comments and encouragement guys. Right now, I can't even lift a cup of tea with my right hand or reach my socks with my left because of the shoulder and arm injury.
I should be hopefully ok after a few days rest, but will have to use the car to go to work at the end of next week. As some of you folks say, I might feel different in a few weeks when Spring arrives.
The Harley is in my cosy dry garage until then, but my other poor bike is in a few pieces.
Tom a good course will also teach you defensive tactics. Not all accidents are preventable but most can be prevented if you learn the right tactics.
I don't know what is worse, the physical pain or the mental shake up of an accident. Both lead to a person rethinking riding in most cases. Time heals all wounds my dad use to say. In addition to us taking riding safety courses I think cage drivers should be taking some to be more aware of us on the road. I see signs here telling drivers to share the road with bicycles, why not motorcycles?
Anyway glad your healing and your injuries were not worse. Give it some time before giving up riding. When your mind clears is the right time to decide what to do for your future. Good luck whatever that decision is!
In addition to us taking riding safety courses I think cage drivers should be taking some to be more aware of us on the road. I see signs here telling drivers to share the road with bicycles, why not motorcycles!

I agree ImaRider. We just had a situation near home here that a teenager driving a car ran a stop sign and hit and killed a motorcyclist. His penalty so far is a $188.00 ticket for running a stop sign. The family is going to sue through the civil part of the justice system. The motorcyclist was a 54 year old with 3 children and a wife. Bottom line in the USA, motorcycles are not look at as viable transportation but a hobby that we chose.....:(
When I was 17 I got run off the road,fractured my skull,and a few other injuries.Luckily a friend came by while I was healing,and had me ride his bike around the block.Which almost got me kicked out of the house,but got me back on the bike.I say get back on a bike asap.And remember Taxi's are like kamikaze's.