Hey all...I was wondering if anyone could share the bolt # and spacer # from Lowes or wherever to do the homemade floorboard extensions instead of paying $50 or so I would like to do it myself...with a little help from you all. Thanks ..Redman:bigsmiley14:
Take your existing bolts out and go down to the local Fastenal store. Show them to the counterman and ask him to give you the same thing, only 1 inch longer in Grade 8. My local store charged me $2.00 for the four.
Next, went to the local Lowes store and got the 1" steel spacers, which I painted gloss black. The spacers come in little plastic bags two to a bag. You will need 3 spacers for each side of the bike. Two to slide over the bolts and one to put under the little allignment nub (which you will see) when you take off the floorboard bracket. Total cost for the project, minus the rattle can paint, which I already had, was about $12.00. Labor time: about 20 minutes plus whatever time it takes to secure the parts. Well worth it if you like doing things yourself.