Junior Member
I've actually had a few conversations with friends on this issue lately. I have a couple of buddies who swear ethanol is the worst thing you could ever put in your bike. Although I'm certainly not saying that ethanol is good I don't necessarily think it's bad either. From what I can tell my bike runs just fine on Ethanol. When I need gas I just stop at the closest station and fill up with premium. I don't even pay attention whether or not it's ethanol. Maybe the performance isn't quite as good but I don't notice it. As long as I'm rolling down the road I'm happy.
That being said are my buddies right? Is ethanol potentially harmful for the engine?
Not necessarily. There are racing cars that run on ethanol and such. Problems can and are arising because we curently have a system that was developed and optimized for gasoline. Adding ethanol (and all it brings with it: reaction with some engine components, water, contaminants, lower energy content, higher food prices, etc...) is the issue. Right now they are feeling their way along, incrementally. First it was 10%, now we are moving to 15%. From a mechanical perspective, I think as long as you are riding (replacing the fuel often with fresh fuel) you are fine. This was similar with gasoline (100%), as I am sure you know. But ethanol has much more instability with regard to the "shelf life" in your tank. Stabilization additives make a big difference here, but if you are riding often, don't worry about it. Storage longer than a month: additive is a good bet. Also I am talking about 10% Ethanol in gasoline. Not sure of all the impacts yet on 15%.