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Mopeds: To Wave or Not to Wave

I was rideing home from work on day and i stop at a red light and along side me pulls this old dude 70+ well he's got a leather vest on jeans ,black boots and his cheap sun glasses lookin like a biker and riden one of those burgman things then he revs it up and waves ..... i just about (edit) myself ... waved back light turned green and laughed all the way home :D
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Theres guy down here in plymouth comes to Jaspers often,wears all the kit,mingles with the "big boys" ,talks bikes,and its obvious he aint fireing on all cylinders.Anyway,he is harmless and a nice enough guy,around45 years old or so.Never seen him ride up and park,and never saw him leave.always on his own.Anyway,I had some guy wave at me who was on top of a tiny honda 125.Didnt think much of it.I see the the jacket,and the helmet,and then I realised this guy and the honda are him!!Our manic brother from Jaspers!Of course I wave !But never to those morons on thier punched out baffles stinking 2 stroke twist and goes!Better they had thier own road,say somewhere in the mid atlantic!
I guess that I'm in the minority. I don't wave at mopeds -- especially the ones with kids riding them and their pants obviously a little lower than they should -- but then again, I don't wave at crotch rockets, either.

Just to qualify it, though, I don't totally dis everybody. I was waiting at a red light one day and a young kid on a crotch rocket pulled up next to me and wanted to chat for a second. That was fine. :devil
Although i don't wave at all the mopeds i do wave at most of the crotch-rockers. I figure hey we are all in this together and we as a whole need to know that as riders we are aware of one another and support each other.
Instead of waving I hold up a fist as to say,ride on ,biker power, you get some strange looks as you can imagine. It's all in fun. most of them wave back.