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Most embarrasing biker moment.

i was 18 had not been riding long 3 months or so on my first bike an 883sporty
ridin down the road saw a car load of hot girls getting gas so i thought"i need to top off my tank heehee"pulled up on the other side of the pump where the hot girls where .......the drag pipes sounds real good under that metal roof.......cut the bike off the bike.......only prob was i forgot to put the kickstand may have been the worst moment in my life lol i dono.....
1977- Just started dating my wife. Stopped at her mom's to pick her up and she had a bunch of her cousins there. When she got on the bike and I started to take off... the grass was damp.... Let's just say that its really hard picking up a bike when your legs are underneath it and someone is hitting you in the back off the helmet yelling "Get this thing off me" Helmets don't save you from a mad woman.
I have to say mine was the first time I even rode a street bike. It was my low rider. I dropped it right off the bat and my dad just stood there and laughed about it. Then I was going to ride it if it killed me. I picked it up while still straddling it and rode it up the road. Then a week later I ended up riding it through one of my neighbor's front yards because I hadn't learned to steer yet. I learned quickly luckily!!
Last year after riding about 12 hours got up early the next morning with the wife and went to the gas station. Came to a stop but I forgot to put my foot down. Of course bike went done and someone came over to help. Asked if we were ok and the wife said we we're ok, only damage was to my pride (she was right).
Re: Most embarrassing biker moment.

Mine was laying on my back in the street in downtown Sturgis during the middle of bike week because I made a stupid mistake.
Mine was 2 years ago at the MotoGP at Laguna Seca. A bazillion bikes of all kinds around. Was parked on dirt and gravel. Kept telling myself, "Must not drop the bike, must not drop the bike." So, of course, I dropped the bike (an 05 Goldwing). About a dozen other riders came over and helped me pick it up. They were all very cool about it but I was soooo embarrassed. Haven't dropped my 09 Road Glide yet, but also haven't been back to that dirt parking lot at Laguna Seca either.
My most embarrasing moment was just a few weeks ago at the MO HOG Rally. Pulled up in the parking lot with bikes and people every where. Was carefully moving my bike to park it and managed to get a little off balance. Down it went "in front of God and everybody". Been riding off and on for nearly 50 years and that was only the second time I ever dropped one. For the first there was no witnesses. Made up for it on the second one.
Fortunately I only embarrassed myself because I was alone, but I learned a valuable lesson of what not to do. Had left my helment perched on the left hand mirror, started the bike and the helment fell off. I instintlively tried to catch the helment and missed, helment hit the gearshift and threw the bike into gear. Needless to say the bike took off and went down....Still kicking myself over that one, helment never gets stowed on the mirror anymore
It was in 83, had a yamarhammer XJ750 Seca, washed and polished. Friends came over for beer. Had to show off. Never Amourall your seat, enough said!