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Most Embarrassing Day

I lay my gas cap on my seat. That way if you will set on it if you forget.

I do the same. As far as the front brake, if I'm going slow I only use it if the front wheel is not turned.

Oh ya, I been there with the jiffy stand (forgot) and the gravel. :tounge
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I sold my Road King and bought my 1999 Ultra. It is intimidating due to the weight at slow speeds. I am hoping to get used to it. I would love to be as comfortable on mine as the highway patrolmen are on theirs.

I did a drop like that, but it was several years ago when I was test driving a brand new BMW K1200LT. I pulled into the dealer parking lot, had the front wheel turned just a little when I hit the front brake. The bike dove a little and upset itself, but I was over a dip in the parking lot and my foot wouldn't touch the ground. The bike went over hard enough to flip me off! My wife ran over and helped me set it up.

I was riding through the mountains in Tennessee and stopped at an overlook. A guy on an Ultra parked his bike (slightly downhill) and as he got off it began to roll forward (I have never understood the desire to park a bike in neutral). I jumped to the bike's rescue. The owner told me not to worry because the kickstand can't fold up. Another guy in an Ultra pulled up next to him, put down his kickstand, got off and the bike began to roll forward. His kickstand flipped up, the bike fell and knocked over the first bike I mentioned.
Many years ago my buddy and I had stopped for a couple beers after work. We only had two and we left. As we were riding through town at very slow speeds we were talking and joking when we came up to a red light still yakkin away we stopped and I forgot to put my feet down, over went my new 1981 Tour Glide. My buddy on his sporty just pulled away laughing. He did turn around and together we got the beast back up. Goes to show just two beers and you can booger things up......
We have all dumped it (or will) and it always happens at worst time (like there is ever a good time). I put my cap on the seat (also keeps chrome from gettting scratched). As far as embarrassing. Well my buddy who's retired and a very high mileage rider (alot of them alone) stopped for gas with the wife on a roadtrip. He paid. Fired up the bike and left. About 15 minutes down the road he realized that he had left "without" his wife. Yeah!!!. Lucky for him she's about the happiest woman I have ever seen. Well he hasn't lived that one down yet. LOL But he did go back for her so that's something I guess. :D
The best drop I have seen: A friend did a wheelie from standstill, only problem was that he forgot to remove the steering lock... Most stupid fall I have seen to this date:-D
Easier said than done. Like others, had a beautiful ride on Florida's east coast. Stopped for body fuel, wife got off the 01 Ultra, as I was backing into parking spot somehow leaned to far right and got past the point of no return. Wife and quickly righted the beast. It is the next day, and the ego is very bruised. Makes me question if I bit off more than I can chew. Getting over this maybe easier said than done. Sun's out, stand up soon.
Glad it all ended well.

Reminds me of this summer when I left my riding glasses on the ground and rode away from a rest stop in IL.

FLST - I kind of did the same thing, I placed my glasses on the passenger seat when I was filling up and then drove off. My face felt a different breeze and when I realized what I did. I looked back just in time to see the car behind me run them over. Luckily I had a spare set with me.