Had a great ride to my sister's house. It looked like rain most of the day, but it never materialized. Here's my sister and my computer wizard brother in law:
As usual, they fed me a fine plate of chow! Going to take a quick spin around High Rock Lake, have a nightcap, hit the rack, then head to Maggie Valley tomorrow. I'll keep you all up to speed on my progress and I certainly appreciate all the responses and offers thus far. Once I get situated I will respond to those that have made offers to show me the sights.
Pru...if you have AAA, the local office can put together a TravelTix, which is a flip map denoting your trip, areas of interest, hotels that offer AAA discounts along the way...etc. and even schedule and plan your trip based on your expected average distance you want to travel at and detailed targeted areas. It doesn't matter if your on a bike or car...armed with the Harley roads, and AAA to connect the dots...you should have a good plan and places to stop whether to gas, camp or just splurge at a motel every now and then. Also, if one of your riding partners is 60 or so, they may get free pass/parking in National Forests...pick up a card and you are good to go!