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Mustang saddlebags on a Dyna you say?

very nice,your own switchback! what about floorboards?

I've thought about floorboards but I'm not really uncomfortable with the XL pegs I have.
My wife on the other hand would like floorboards as her feet tend to vibrate alot and go to sleep on longer rides. I think the problem may be that her footpegs are swingarm mounted.
Any suggestions for passenger footrests and mounting options?
They have pegs that are wider than normal,but not quite floorboard size.When I added hwy bar pegs I was surprised how many choices there are.
Well I would say that worked out pretty well. And at almost 2000 cubic inches each these bags should be great on my next long haul. Bolted them straight up to my HD I realize quick release side plates. Had to drill 2 half inch holes in the side plates.

I realize this is old but how are these holding up for you. I have been searching for a set of these as I am looking at putting them on my super glide. Thanks for any further info.
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