I tried to tune carb and it's very strange.
Before my problem with bike I have tuned carb (Mikuni HSR42) in bike and pilot air screw was set at 3/4 turn from bottomed position. I tuned the carb like is described in Mikuni Manual and at this position the idle was very good (flat, equall) and rpms were about 950-1000, the acceleration was also OK. I have to say that it is possible that I could have air leak by vacuum fitting. But always the spark plugs were black (not oily). And I never used an equipement to measure lambda or CO.
Now after fixing the bike I sealed the vacuum fitting. I cleaned carb and changed intake manifold seals. And I tried to tune carb, I started from factory settings. I have the RevTech 100 which comes with this carb. I have stright open pipes what can be a problem.
When I tried to do exacltly like is described in Mikuni manual it not work. I set the pilot air screw two turns from bottomed position. When I screw it (at 1 turn from bottomed position) the idle slows and become irregular, when I screw it out the idle fasten a little bit (at 3 and 4 turns from bottomed position). The most interesting is that at the 2 turns from bottomed position the idle seems that are obout 900-1000 but when I checked it using two ways (by measuring on spark plug wires and by measuring using laser - I can do that because I have open belt so I can put the mark on engine pulley) the rpms were .... about 700 rpm. The idle was very nice, not slow, very flat, very equal!!! But the accerelation during ride was poor.
I tested CO, HCC and lambda and again it was strange. There were some differences between pipes but:
CO was between 3 and 4.5%, HCC very high (2000-3000!) and lambda about 1.3!!! When I tried adjust the pilot air screw out the lambda was even 1.4 - the mechanic told me that the engine could not work at this value but my bike has very nice idle. So I tried adjust screw in and that the idle becomes slower and irregular so I had to risen it but the lambda was 1.15. That the equipement stops working and didn't show lambda anymore :small3d031:
So I leaved the pilot air screw adjusted one turn from bottomed position. The idle was a little bit worse than before but when I tested it it was 850-900 rpms!!! And I took very short ride and I have to say that the bike now is runnung very well. It accelerates really fast. I now that I have to tune it more again (I have to go to other shop and use other equipement).
What do you think about it. Huge HCC and lambda indicates very lean condition at factory settings. I think that better readings can be obtained when the screw is one turn from bottomed position but than idle is irregular. I have to tested it again.
For me all is very strange!!! :small3d031: