Hello everyone,
Need you advise, again

When I ride, my fingers go
numb, like when your arm or leg goes to sleep from a lack of circulation. It starts at the tips and works back until all of my fingers seem like they are not there. It gets to a point that I really cannot feel them. This is not only uncomfortable, but obviously dangerous. I would probably not be able to ride if it were not for the cruise control that allows me to rest my right hand also.
It is more severe if I have not ridden for a for a while, like after winter, or if a week or two goes by without ridding. If I ride consitantly for a few days it gets better and better to a point that it takes and hour or more for it to happen. It also seems to be more severe if I am ridding on a twisty road, even for a short distances.
My thought is that the handle bars might need to be replaced with something taller, maybe even larger hand grips, but I am not sure and would appreciate your input on what to do.
I seem to fit the bike well, I am comfortable in every other respect but this one, and do not have to reach too far for a full lock turn, my feet are flat on the ground at a stop. I do notice that as I ride, I tend to lean further and further forward as the day goes on, hense the riders back rest.
I know this is a very tough for anyone to give an absolute correct answer, but I am trying to see if I am on the correct path and really appreciate you opionons and advise.
I am 6'-2", 270lbs. I ride a 2009 RK, all stock, adjustable riders backrest, highway pegs, mirror extensions (because I could not see around my shoulders with the stock mirrors).
Thanks alot.