Jack Klarich
I dont want to add a tuner just yet, I may alter the air box a bt more and see if the puter likes itThe dyno doesn't lie. The M8 filter is a quality filter but it doesn't flow well at all, nor does the head pipe. I am still doing home work, just to learn since I don't own an M8, but apparently the breathing circuit on the M8 motor is different from the TC. Not doubting the effectiveness of your setup but more interested in the performance gains available by simply replacing the filter with a hi flow unit which also means the breather venting system from an earlier model can be transferred over to the M8 with the filter mod.
I will keep u updated on any more changes I make side note mileage is still the same I know HD says 43 but mine comes out to 55 and I aint complaining, I like shifting to 6th gear @ 50 mph