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My new cat Jack

So he's your avatar now? You shoulda posted up a larger pic of Jack the cat and keep the Fat Boy avatar.

My wife is a cat person so I had to slowly learn how to live with cats in the house. We had all kinds of pets as kids but they were always outside, except my Mom's chiwawa.

But after I got married over 31yrs ago I have learned to love (and loose) several cats as part of our family. The cats live in the house since where we live there are a lot of big Redneck type dogs and it ain't too safe for cats outside.

My favorite was one named Felix, which we had for 15yrs till he died of kidney disease. He was my little buddy. We only have two cats left. Over the years 2 dogs and 4 cats had died. One day I was buying groceries and I was putting a lot of Cat Treat packs in my buggy. I noticed 'another old guy' watching me, so I looked back at him.

He said ' Got a lot of cats do ya ? ' I laughed and said no only two. He said I'd get rid of two cats that ate that much. I laughed even louder and said ' my wife would get rid of me first '.

Congratulations on your new Jack.

Thanks.....My last cat had cancer and we had hur put to sleep a year agow...I had muffin 14 years and I know this might not sound manly to some but that cat was very loveable can still make this grown man sad thinking about it...When I was young I didnt give a hoot about much and now as I have gotten older things change....My new kitten loves to rip and tare up the house and loves eating my wifes plants but at least thay wont make hur sick, just the wife.:)
I have had the back door open all evening and thought that i had seen something out of the side of my eye as i browsed the site twice i looked and nothing
then dog barked and some sort of carry on in the hall chair got knocked over in the kitchen i did not see what it was
i looked outside nothing in the back garden
was a fox a badger or cat from next door i still do not know but round the front i see my cat and next door cat staring at each other both are ok next door's cat ran off and my cat followed me indoors he is in his comfy spot right now safe and well
it might be another 2 or 3 days before i see him again so i will enjoy the time i have with both cat and dog for the next wee while

Thanks.....My last cat had cancer and we had hur put to sleep a year agow...I had muffin 14 years and I know this might not sound manly to some but that cat was very loveable can still make this grown man sad thinking about it. ..... .... .... ....

Yea I understand sad, when Felix died I'll be honest with you, it ripped a hole right our of my heart for a few weeks. Now I've worked with folks that would not only call that unManly but downright ridculous. All our cats were throw away kittens that I found on construction sites at separate times, except Felix he just wandered up to our house one day, never knew where he came from. When he first showed up he was bout a year old, very skinny, beat up and had scratches on him. He was scared of us and would hide in an old shed out back. We took him food and fed him and slowly he lost his fear of us.

Thing is, Felix was always there when I came home from work and when I got up in the morning. He was part of our family. He was one of the smartest cats I ever saw. You could throw him a paper wad and he would catch it in his paws before it hit the ground. He seemed to always act so grateful that we adopted him. Yep I will always remember Felix. Just something about him.
Cats are cool Dogs droll. I know we have both. After loosing our 2 cats 2 years ago to illness. It was hard for everyone. We had them for 16 years and 10 years. The Wife and boys had asked several times over the 2 years about getting a cat so a month ago we got 2 sisters that were a year old. I actually encouraged the Misses to get the cats for she was hesitant. Now she is very happy with her new cats that I take care of...
We have a barking slipper, a shizu-maltese cross. He's excellent company for our pet koala and kangaroo.