Mad Dog Jim
Where did the Ickysticky name come from? Just curious. Sounds like something you ought to get a prescription for...
Most metrics have a high center of gravity, and at 800-1000cc it is a fairly new generation one (MotoGP kinda drives the sportbike displacement march) as 700cc restriction and such has long since passed. H-D motorcycles have always enjoyed low seat height and low center of gravity (relatively speaking) and engine displacement/cc's has never really played much in their development.
That said, you will find the EG much easier to ride solo (you did not say how you used your metric). You will also enjoy the torque and not having to row thru the gears and keeping the bike in a narrow power band, so less concentration on the technicals and more on the enjoyment of riding. Such has been my experience anyway...!
Welcome to the HDTimeline forum and do keep in touch as you enjoy your new (to you) ride!![]()
When I jumped from the Nipon rides to American steel I know KNOW that I lugged it too much. For one, I used to have a Yamiharley (Virago) back in the day and the only way to make it sound even close to a baby-sporster was to idle around in 2nd or 3rd gear about ready to kill it. Flash forward to any HD and the low end power is lightyears ahead. But, its easy to depend on that low end too much. I remember reading the factory shift point and running it like that. You get used to it... then started opening it up and realized that they really want to run. Their not going to fly apart. Now I dont touch 6th gear till about 60-65 mph! The way they are meant to run. I'm just saying, don't lug it.
Where did the Ickysticky name come from? Just curious. Sounds like something you ought to get a prescription for...
Not to be ignorant but what does Lug mean?
Lugging as in should have down shifted RPMS too low for gear he was in:s