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My weekend "incident"

Anyway its wrong and just more evidence of the nanny, police state we live in these days here in the good ole USA!:bigsmiley21:
In Washington, Gov Gregoire just signed into aeffect a bill that prevents profiling motorcycle riders...I'm in the business, I have never stopped a bike unless he was making my radar bleed, or riding really stupid.
In Washington, Gov Gregoire just signed into aeffect a bill that prevents profiling motorcycle riders...I'm in the business, I have never stopped a bike unless he was making my radar bleed, or riding really stupid.

Thanks bcortani! You're one of the good ones! :)
Well if Indiana is similar to Missouri, the officer doesnt need probable cause. He doesnt even need reasonable suspicion, he just needs to ask, which he did. The test you submitted to was probaby nothing more than field sobriety test or preliminary breath test, which you can refuse. Now MOST breath tests rode side are not evidentiary tests and fall under the same evidentiary weight as maybe a counting test, alphabet test, or balance or walking tests, which all can be refused. Maybe the officer was confirming what he thought was true and factual without keeping you roadside for 15 to 20 minutes while you did 4 or 5 other sobriety tests.
The Great State of Georgia, was stopping every motorcycle traveling through Georgia. Just in time for Daytona Bike week. The Feds gave them some money to do this.
This pasy weekend I was stopped at a checkpoint in the early afternoon on route 66, while out for a ride. I personally don't have a problem with this except I expect the officer to be respectful. I showed him my license and insurance card and when he handed them back he said "Where you been?" Had he not asked in a rather accusing manner I would have spent time conversing with him. His manner dictated my response which was "That's none of your business" I don't think that was an appropriate question to ask me and he seemed to take offense. After conversing with one of the fellow officers he waved me on through. This is America and we still have rights.
Don't blame it on the cops, it's the people WE vote in that work all year and only should be working a month or 2, it's their job to make laws, good or bad.
The Great State of Georgia, was stopping every motorcycle traveling through Georgia. Just in time for Daytona Bike week. The Feds gave them some money to do this.

Have to disagree with you on this one. We left from Kennesaw Saturday AM and didn't see any checkpoints. Of course it was raining until we got past Tifton - can't blame them for not wanting to stand around in the rain checking bikes!
What that LEO did was just plain wrong and he violated your constitutional rights by asking you to take a breath test. He has to have probable cause, in otherwords, he had to suspect you were under the influence. If it was me, I would not have taken the test, I would stay polite and respectful but I would have refused the test. My daughter is a LEO so I don't have a "anti" LEO attitude but just because they wear a badge does not give them the right to violate your rights.

That's just me and I'm not saying what you did was wrong, but this sort of deal gets under my skin. If you were swaying back and forth or slurred speech or he smelled alcohol, that's a different story. But to tell you it would make him feel better, that's not his job. His job is to enforce the laws and to just pull motorcycles over to see if they have an endorsement is a joke. Does he pull over every car to see if they have a valid drivers license? You should have reported him to his Sargent, what he is doing is wrong.

I agree with all of this, but to effect change you have to either fight the system or join it, and in both cases you will most likely loose.

I never thought a check point of any kind was constitutional in any shape or form but some judge decided that it was. I think 90% off law enforcement are stand up people and I respect them. Over the years I have been treated better than I should have been, but every once in while you just get burned. This happened to my son when he was 16 for no other reason than the other driver was 40 and driving an expensive SUV. The local judge never gave my son a chance. I was close to ending up in a cell for contempt. Some times you just CAN’T win and you have to cut your losses.

As bikers with loud pipes and a non DOT helmet we have frequent oportunities to join with law enforcment on Patriot Guard missions where we work together to suport the families of our fallen solders. I know here in Kalamazoo alot of officers also ride, and I just don't feel like they are out to get us. There are a lot of doctors, lawers, and officers that ride and in the saddle, you can not tell us appart.
In Pittsburgh, Pa. we have a DUI task force with the support of local police they will set up road blocks and stop all vehicles traveling along that particular road that evening. These stops are usually from 10pm to 2am. They always have additional support set about a quarter mile away in the event of someone turning around to escape stop.