Mark after riding for a wee while with no wind shield your body will develop the necessary muscles to make the experience more comfortable
Good - thanks Brian! Its not that's bad . . . .its just at freeway speeds I'm good for about 1.5 hours . . . I had some muscle aches the first time I rode for than 100 miles . . . just a bit stiff this time . . . getting old! hahaha!
Mark - Thanks!
I love it Jack - thanks! Just took a ride for about ~150 miles . . . from my house to Caliente Harley, up Bandera Road to Bandera . . . north on 173 to Kerrville, I-10 east back home . . . stopped at the -Original- Rudy's BBQ in Leon Springs (great BBQ) for bite to eat before heading home . . . helps clear out the cobwebs! I found that my maximum miles that I can in one sitting comfortably (w/out a windscreen) is about 85 miles. At that point I found rest stop along the highway, got re-hydrated and relaxed a while . . . I'm hoping I can get a little more miles on one sitting comfortably with a windscreen . . .
Mark - Thanks!
Mark, try some pre ride stretching exercises works for me:s
I am currently re acquainting my body on what its requirements are after it's winter break the first few rides of the year will be shorter and i will build up and last year did 450 miles in 1 day without feeling that i had been battered
Mark, try some pre ride stretching exercises works for me:s
Women don't have to understand, we need to be there to support and give comfort
Women don't have to understand, we need to be there to support and give comfort