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N.H. Motorcycle Law Change

Steve Di.

Active Member
A sweeping change to NH motorcycle laws has been introduced. Here is a summary of HB-95:






AN ACT relative to motorcycle equipment and noise levels.

SPONSORS: Rep. J. Day, Rock 13; Rep. Henson, Rock 13; Rep. Kepner, Rock 15

COMMITTEE: Transportation


This bill:

I. Prohibits motorcycle exhaust modifications.

II. Reduces permissible motorcycle noise levels.

III. Increases maximum fines for motorcycle noise violations.

IV. Requires motorcycles to have functioning tachometers.

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Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nine

AN ACT relative to motorcycle equipment and noise levels.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Paragraph; Motorcycle Muffler Modifications. Amend RSA 266:59 by inserting after paragraph IV the following new paragraph:

V.(a) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motorcycle in any manner.

(b) No person shall drive on a way a motorcycle that has after market equipment installed to replace the muffler.

(c) Any person who violates the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.

2 Motorcycle Noise Levels. Amend RSA 266:59-a to read as follows:

266:59-a Motorcycle Noise Levels.

I. No person shall operate a motorcycle which has a measured noise level of more than [106] 95 decibels on the decibel meter when measured 20 inches from the exhaust pipe at a 45 degree angle while the engine is operating at 2,800 revolutions per minute for one and 2 cylinder motorcycles and 3,500 revolutions per minute for any motorcycle with 3 or more cylinders.

II. No person shall pass for the purposes of the inspection required by RSA 266:1 any motorcycle which has a measured noise level of more than [106] 95 decibels on the decibel meter when measured 20 inches from the exhaust pipe at a 45 degree angle while the engine is operating at 2,800 revolutions per minute for one and 2 cylinder motorcycles and 3,500 revolutions per minute for any motorcycle with 3 or more cylinders.

II-a. No person shall operate in this state any motorcycle which produces a sound level in excess of [106] 95 decibels on the A scale, when measured in accordance with the provisions of the Society of Automotive Engineers Recommended Practice ANSI/SAE J-1287 annual report on “Measurement of Exhaust Sound Levels of Stationary Motorcycles.”

III. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than [$300] $500.

3 New Section; Equipment of Vehicles; Motorcycles; Tachometer. Amend RSA 266 by inserting after section 77 the following new section:

266:77-a Tachometer. No person shall drive on a way a motorcycle without a functioning tachometer. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.

4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2010
I don't see how they can make the tach thing stick. If a new machine is sold in that state will tachs become OEM on all bikes?
Ok, the exhaust part I get.


What possible reason could they have for requiring a tach?

If you read the whole bill, it specifies the RPM's that the decibels must be measured at, thus the requirement for a tach. Hard to believe our LEO's have nothing better to do than measure the noise levels of motorcycles. And what if an unmodified exhaust (complying with part one) fails the decibel test? Mind boggling!
If you read the whole bill, it specifies the RPM's that the decibels must be measured at, thus the requirement for a tach. Hard to believe our LEO's have nothing better to do than measure the noise levels of motorcycles. And what if an unmodified exhaust (complying with part one) fails the decibel test? Mind boggling!

Roger on the tach requirement for testing.

Still sounds weak as many factory Harley Davidson motorcycles do not come with one as standard equipment.

I can assure you that LEO's do have better things to do. This sounds like yet another great idea put forward by a well meaning politician.

Nice to see that Canada does not hold a monopoly on stupid, left leaning, semi-communist Liberal minded twits..... er, I mean politicians.:D
If they are going to do it to people on motorcycles the same law should be in affect for people riding around in the cages with loud pipies on them. Our tax $'s hard at work. You know motorcycle noice is the first and far most important thing that has to be fixed.
A law is only as good as the ability and will to enforce it. This bill is just ink on paper and there is just no way it can be enforced at Laconia Bike Week. I have been in the Laconia jail and it ain't big enough to hold all the bikers that will not meet these requirements and will not pay the fine.

Of course if you get pulled over by OFFICER OBIE and he wants to hassle you, he may just add this on to an existing violation, or use it as a reason to stop you and then check you for anything else. YA, LIVE FREE OR DIE....NEW HAMPSHIRE !!! Maybe they should change their license plate motto to .. BE QUIET or GET FINED.
That's a bummer. I suppose NH already has laws on the books to deal with the giant, thumping stereos in after-marketed Hondas? Fast and Furious wanna-bes?

Wild. Any way to repeal?